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College stigmas: Dropping Out

So my first week back in college was.. Well im not gonna lie to you, it was actually horrendous. Just an update on me for you because its been a while since i blogged. Im now in second year of Media & Public and Relations and i had my first daunting week of introductory lectures and im not gonna lie, it scared me. I've so many worries going through my head about it. "Am i gonna be able for the work load". "Will i be able to study it" "What if i miss the important lecture because of other college commitments" "What if im shit at this module"... So many questions!  This year is very different so far. For one, i absolutely LOVE my classmates, they’re all a sound bunch and it’s not a competition of who’s going to be the best and most successful.  Now.. The reason i titled this stereotypes and stigmas is because there is a certain stigma attached to the term "college dropout". Im not saying im going to drop out, but i will adm...

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